Welcome to your online space to feel supported, a space for you to experience a new level of self- awareness and growth.
The empowHER project has been inspired by all your beautiful, strong female souls. It is a place where we can all come together and focus on our self-compassion, self-love, self-development and self-mastery.
The aim is for you to work at your own pace, to discover and set goals with intention. You will explore how to make your dreams turn into reality with the support of the globe behind you.
The program helps to set goals and take action with intention. Once this is established, the course explores how to deal with comparison, there is also a tailored session for you to understand your own limiting belief system. The course then moves into building on this foundation by helping you create a healthy and happy relationship with your self. The course then ends on nurturing your inner child, and why the inner child is so important in adulthood.
I know it's hard to invest in something when you don't know what it's like. That is why I have made the first module of the program for free, you can now experience a taste of what to expect when invest in yourself and your journey. If you would like to try an example of the program, you can get access my creating a free login on the prices and packages page on the menu. The goal setting module includes the goal setting video and framework so you can move forward on your journey with clarity. After trying the first module, you can dive deeper into the empowHER Project. This membership offers you the full experience. Members will have access to the goal setting video and framework, plus the additional 5 modules with introductory videos and workbooks. Once you have created a log in on the plans and pricing page, you will be able to unlock access the empowHER Project pages which have all the resources.
Personal growth has become difficult to access for some. I believe that spending time to build a healthy internal platform is beneficial not only to yourself, but to everyone in your life. If you are in the best place mentally, and spending time solely to explore things you love and taking the time needed to rest, you will have so much more to give to the other areas in your life. Having more time, energy, patience and self-acceptance is only some of the benefits of self-care and personal growth.
It is unrealistic to think that everyone has the resources, capabilities and schedule to attend expensive conferences, or jet-set retreats to far-away lands. This is why I have designed this course with a one off payment of £150. This equates to just over £25 a session. The resources have been designed so they can be re-used so you will always be armed with the knowledge and power of how to move forward in your journey.
The program is designed to uncover important areas for personal development that are rich in heart and knowledge in order to assist you in your own journey of growth.
And so much more...
For each module you will receive a themed introductory video lecture plus an accompanying workbook and any additional resources appropriate to the module in order to assist your development in the topic.​
A further reading list
Access to the support email, support@iamwarrior.co.uk for any additional questions or suggestions.
This is a tribe of Warriors who want to grow with you, they get it. They are also inspired to get the most out of life, just like you. They want to develop and become strong in body and mind. The Warrior Tribe are here to support you through your journey.