My top 10 tips for more self-love
Updated: Apr 14, 2022
As it is Valentines Day, I thought I would drop into your inbox to remind you to practice some self-love.
One of the pillars of building and maintaining a strong self-love practice is by building confidence and self-esteem. One question I am asked a lot is what advice would I give people who are struggling to dedicate time to their own self-love practice. So, here are my pearls of wisdom for you:
A big drawback to this work is the way we have viewed ourselves in the past. In order to grow, please don’t convince yourself that those past versions of yourself were worthless, or incomplete, or could've done better. You wouldn’t be here without them. Learn to honour very version of yourself.
TIP #1: I always start with working on self-compassion. Being able to hold space for yourself is a powerful place to be. With that in mind, there are some things to give yourself when you are finding that your self-love practice is a struggle: credit, a break, time, permission to make mistakes, forgiveness when you do make mistakes, a pep talk, and grace.
TIP #2: Start talking to yourself the way you talk to other drunk girls in the bathroom.
TIP#3: You won’t even remember your grades.
TIP #4:Not every friend lasts forever.
TIP #5: Your hard work pays off.
TIP #6: Self-love doesn’t come from fixing yourself; it comes from falling in love with the parts of yourself you’ve been trying to fix. In order to love your petals, you must embrace your thorns.
TIP #6: How people react to my presence is not my responsibility.
TIP #7: Go ahead and live your life! Take pictures of everything. Tell people you love them. Talk to strangers. Do the things you're afraid of. Stop playing small. Take your life and make it the best story ever.
TIP #8: Make inner peace and stillness a priority. Always.
TIP #9: Learn to spend time on your own and give yourself what you need. Learn to nurture yourself, set boundaries that keep you protected and hold yourself accountable.
TIP #10: It is OK if your heart needs more time to accept what your head already knows.
Always love, Jess