6 journal prompts for self-love
Updated: Apr 14, 2022
Wherever you are on your journey with self-love, please know that this is a constant practice. It is easy to think that once you have it- it’s yours for life. But this is a common misconception. This misconception tricks us into thinking we are not where we need to be when we have days when it's a struggle. This can put us back, especially if we are predisposed to black and white thinking, or self-sabotage behaviours like perfectionism.
Truth is, and I will say this bluntly… We don’t own our self-love. We have to pay rent.
We pay rent with consistent practice, with kindness, with compassion for others as well as ourselves. We pay rent with forgiveness, understanding and empathy.Levels of self-love fluctuate the same way that the tide comes in and out. The same way we don’t own our health or our fitness.
As long as we keep checking in on ourselves and if necessary doing what needs to be done to bring us higher in terms of our confidence and self-esteem, we can maintain high levels of self-love. One way to bring us higher up the scale is to journal.
Below are some journal prompts to build your self-love practice:
Write three things you like about your appearance
What is your favourite thing about your personality
I feel peaceful when…
What are the things you need to stop that are making you unhappy?What is something that you want to do every day to build your confidence?
Who are you most grateful for having in your life?
If you need support working on your own personal development journey I have a series of on-demand programmes that focus on the following areas:
If you need support working on your own personal development journey I have a series of on-demand programmes that focus on the following areas:

You will receive 4 weeks worth of workbooks that guide you through these areas with purpose and intention so you can overcome your blocks and barriers.
Click the link below to access the on-demand programmes to get started on your own personal development journey!
